Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Oil Rig Jobs No Experience - The Secret To Finding A Job That Pays $300 Per Day With No Effort

Is it really possible to find an oil rig job with no experience? I think you'll find the answer is not only yes, it is easier than you can imagine. Let me explain.

A few years ago I was in high clover. I had graduated from high school and got a good job at a local factory in the machine shop. We were making parts for brake systems in new cars. It wasn't working on a boring assembly line, I worked with the department that fixed the equipment.

Then the stupid recession started. All three of the big automobile manufacturers laid off workers. Nobody was buying cars and it looked like two of the three US auto companies might go out of business. If they couldn't sell cars they didn't need to make more new ones. If they weren't making new cars, they sure didn't need brake parts.

I got laid off.

I was able to go on unemployment but we weren't in the union so I didn't get any other help. I tried looking for another job but didn't have any luck. Lot's of people were looking for jobs.

For six months I felt like I was on vacation and just hung around the house. Unemployment checks weren't covering the bills and my credit cards were slowly building up. I had to find a job.

I thought about going back to school, maybe a tech school that could teach me how to fix computers but with damaged credit, I couldn't get a loan. I sure didn't have enough in my savings account to cover it. (I didn't have enough in my savings account to buy a six pack). I didn't really like school anyway. I would much rather work with my hands.

I had a buddy tell me he had heard oil rigs pay pretty good. I thought, "The world is always going to need more oil" so maybe this would be a good career move. That was the best decision I ever made.

Oil companies are always looking for more oil and building new rigs. They needed people to build the rigs and drill for oil. There are more jobs than there are people to fill them. Here is how it works.

You start out as a roustabout. This is a common labor job. It isn't easy work but it doesn't require much experience. They teach you everything you need to know. It's a job where you get your hands dirty, it's a man's job.

Now here is the good part. You'll work long hours but it pays great. Starting pay is $300 per day. Most jobs let you work 14 days in a row and then you have to take off 14 days. Figure it out. That's over $4000 for 2 weeks with 2 weeks off. Some jobs give you 30 days on and 30 days off.

After about a year or so you'll probably get promoted to rough neck and get a pay raise. But that comes afterwards. First you need to get the job.

Getting a job on an oil rig with no experience is easy. There are companies out there that will blast your resume to every company that is hiring. Then just sit back and wait for a call. For more information, go to Oil Rig Jobs No Experience

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