You may know article marketing only as a way to drive traffic or as a backlink creator. While this is true, article marketing can and does do much more. But the big question is how do you make money with article marketing? Let's examine the answer to this question.
The problem with this question is some Internet marketers that do not understand article marketing seem to have the notion that you cannot make money using this method. This is a false and unfounded misconception.
Here are few ways to monetize your article marketing efforts.
- Repurpose an article. Articles are great content that can be repurposed into an info product. Since it takes both information and content to create an info product such as an e-book or report, articles fill this purpose. Not only can an accumulation of articles become e-books and reports, they can also become audio or video products.
Here are some examples of repurposing an article:
Choose a topic in your given niche and create an article of tips. For example "5 Tips On How To..." Then write an article focusing on each of the 5 tips. Once you have completed these tasks, compile all 6 articles into a report on that particular topic.
Now take the 5 tips and expand on them making each into a chapter. Now you have created a 5 chapter e-book. As simple as this sounds, it is an extremely powerful way to create info products to sell. Does this really sound that hard? Nope... it does not!
Now turn your e-book into an audio book or PowerPoint video. Here again is another product you could sell. To take it one step further, take the PowerPoint video and turn it into a teleseminar based on your original 5 tips. You could sell the audio as an MP3 download or physical CD. The video could be sold as a streaming video online or as a DVD. Package all of this together and you could sell it as a training course.
These are just a few ideas of the ways you can make money article marketing and yes there are many more. Want to know more?
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