Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Does Writing Really Make Money? Articles Can Bring Lots of Visitors to Your Sites With These 3 Tips

When you decided to make money, articles may or may not have been part of your original plan. Many times when we think of how to make money, articles we write online were not the first method that comes to mind, but don't ignore this valuable source of traffic. A well written article that provides a lot of content can persuade a visitor to click on your links. This does make money. Articles are a valuable way to bring traffic and sales to your sites.

How can you get the most benefit from articles to make money? Articles need to formatted and written with the reader in mind. Here is one trick that I try to put into every article I write to make money. Articles don't have to be difficult to write and many times you can write them in under an hour if you know your niche and your product. Here are some other tips:

  1. Don't Use Big Words: It may sound mean but it is true. Big words will confuse some people and they will simply stop reading if they can't understand what is being talked about. If you want to make money, articles have to be easy to read for everyone. Some of the most profitable publications around the world have children read the stories and they re-write the stories if the children have problems reading them out loud.
  2. Keep It Short: Another thing that will turn readers away is writing too much or making it too complicated. Keep it simple, short and sweet. When it comes to articles, you want to cross over the 400 word mark but keep it under 700, 600 would be better. Remember that articles are suppose to be quick, small pieces of information, not a book.
  3. Assume Nothing: When you start to write, unless you are targeting people who have experience with the topic, never assume that the reader knows anything about what your discussing. Pulling out fancy terms and acronyms won't make money. Articles need to make sense to everyone and if you cut your audience down by using words only some of them understand then you are hurting yourself.

When you get into writing for money, you discover there are many different ways to go about this. You can write different things to make money, articles, ad-copy, and landing pages. Each has their own style and format to make them do the best they can. Knowing your niche and your product will go a long way in discovering which things you need to do to keep the reader interested and clinking on your links.

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