Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Make Money Article Writing - 5 Money-Making Tips With Article Marketing

You can easily make money article writing, provided you first follow some simple rules. However, you may have already figured out that trying to make money writing articles is somewhat tougher than you originally thought. So to help you along I have put together 5 moneymaking tips you can use to make more money - article writing.

1. The first tip to making more money writing articles is to know your targeted audience. Don't try to please everyone across multiple niches. The more you know about your targeted market, the easier it will be for you to write money articles that are focused to their needs.

2. The second tip for making more money article writing is to write in a straightforward and inspiring language. Write in a language that's common to your target niche while conveying your message in a clear and precise tone.

3. The third key tip to keep in mind when trying to make more money writing articles is to make sure that you do not advertise your product or services directly in your article. This gives the readers a bad impression. Make your article informative and useful, by giving your readers something of value that they can take away from your article.

4. Use the 'about the author' section (also known as a resource box) with care. Always include a link to your web site (including the http bit) in the resource box, plus use the resource box to promote your product or service. Try and make your resource text an extension of your article, leading your readers to your web site for additional information.

5. Always check your facts and figures before including them in your article, or else you will generate a bad impression for yourself and therefore loose your reader's trust.

These are just some tips you can use to make money article writing.

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