There are a lot people writing articles as can be seen by the huge number on this site alone. Some writers just write because it is fun and enjoy to see others reading their articles and get a real thrill out of someone picking up their article and publishing online. I know I get a real kick out of seeing my article being used on a website somewhere. It sort of makes you realize that hey, maybe my writing is not that bad after all. There are a lot of other writers using this site too to summit articles because they have a link at the bottom to something that they are promoting.
This seems to be a major motivation for article writing and is know in the trade as 'Bum Marketing'. This means of course that you are promoting your website business and generating traffic with no cost. The only cost of course is the time you take to sit down and write your articles. This system of free internet marketing is promoted so much that it must work for some people although I have yet to experience any benefit from any links at the bottom of my articles. I will keep trying because it is quantity that does the trick or so they say.
So back to making money from article writing. We have determined that our articles are OK because they are being picked up for other web sites so there must be a market out there for them. That seems to be logical. There are a lot of people advertising for article writers and it seems relatively easy to get work writing articles if you are prepared to write for $1 an article. It would take you a long time to retire on that sort of money. But there are people willing to work for that sort of money so how do you compete. I mean if you live in the Philippines say, that $1 would give you about 40 local pesos so you could make a good living at that rate there.
Not much good to us here though. It was encouraging to read one add the other day who said he did not want any applications from those places because they have been too much trouble. I suppose having English as a second language could pose some problems. It can even be a problem writing articles for the US if you are in Australia say because when you look at it, the language is different. There is not that much difference but if you were writing for a renovation website say and kept referring to the word timber, you may be in trouble as most recognize it as lumber there.
Anyway, I have placed many bids on several sites and am still waiting to hear how I went. Had one knock back so far and nothing accepted yet so will wait and see. It seems that $5 per article is reasonably accepted as a fair price for something of reasonable quality. While $5 is not a fortune, if one is able to knock out 3/4 an hour it could be a good little extra part time income. If you are able to secure several contracts at that rate and was prepared to write for several hours a day you could earn something reasonable. Something to supplement your retirement anyway.
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