I know I don't have to tell you but information is certainly the
hottest commodity in the online arena today. If you're into information
marketing, let me just tell you that you can make more money by offering
more than just ebooks and special newsletters. Right now, teleseminars
are selling like hotcakes. Here's how you can create these products and
eventually, make more money from them:
1. First thing to do is to decide on the topic that you're going to discuss. To boost your sign up rate, talk about something that your target market are dying to know about. I suggest that you conduct surveys to get their pulse however, you will not go wrong if you talk about their most pressing issues, their goals in life (and how to achieve them), and their most burning questions.
2. Plan ahead. It's important that you already know all the things that you're going to discuss before you call in. I suggest that you create an outline so you'll have something to guide you all throughout the call. Ensure that you offer nothing but useful, high quality information that your customers will not easily find elsewhere.
3. Practice makes perfect. I wouldn't lie about it; hosting your first teleseminar can be very nerve-wracking. It will help if you practice with the help of your friends and neutral third parties so you'll sound more confident when you're already talking to your clients.
4. Promote your teleseminars. Promote product awareness by marketing your teleseminars using all effective product-promotional tools. I highly recommend article marketing, PPC advertising, social media marketing, blogging, and ezine publishing. Using these tools simultaneously will surely help you widen your reach in no time at all.
1. First thing to do is to decide on the topic that you're going to discuss. To boost your sign up rate, talk about something that your target market are dying to know about. I suggest that you conduct surveys to get their pulse however, you will not go wrong if you talk about their most pressing issues, their goals in life (and how to achieve them), and their most burning questions.
2. Plan ahead. It's important that you already know all the things that you're going to discuss before you call in. I suggest that you create an outline so you'll have something to guide you all throughout the call. Ensure that you offer nothing but useful, high quality information that your customers will not easily find elsewhere.
3. Practice makes perfect. I wouldn't lie about it; hosting your first teleseminar can be very nerve-wracking. It will help if you practice with the help of your friends and neutral third parties so you'll sound more confident when you're already talking to your clients.
4. Promote your teleseminars. Promote product awareness by marketing your teleseminars using all effective product-promotional tools. I highly recommend article marketing, PPC advertising, social media marketing, blogging, and ezine publishing. Using these tools simultaneously will surely help you widen your reach in no time at all.
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